Weather Information

What Will The Weather Be Like During Our Holiday??
This would be the most asked question when people are thinking about a Bareboat Holiday!! Although we can not predict the weather - we can expound the following theories...

* The weather is always fickle and generalisations are difficult to substantiate.
* Seasons have blurry edges but our tradtional "wet" season is January to March.
* The windiest months are March to May.
* The driest months are August to September.

So much for generalisations.....

 What was it like for the same time in previous years?

While the weather will be different on any day of any year - the weather for the same time in previous years can be a guide to the conditions you may encounter on your holiday. Enter the date that you intend coming on your holiday to was forecast in previous years.

What date are you coming :   

Climate Information


Water Temperatures        

Jan Feb Mar Apr
May Jun Jul Aug
Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average Maximum 29.7o 29.2o 28.3o 26.6o 24.1o 22.0o 21.2o 22.6o 25.1o 27.3o 28.9o 29.5o
Average Minimum 23.1o 23.0o 21.9o 19.7o 16.4o 13.5o 12.2o 13.7o 16.1o 19.5o 21.6o 22.5o
Water Temperature 28.0o 28.0o 27.0o 26.0o 24.0o 22.0o 21.0o 23.0o 26.0o 26.0o 27.0o 28.0o
Wind Strength                

Jan Feb Mar Apr
May Jun Jul Aug
Sep Oct Nov Dec
0 to 11 Knots 55% 42% 47% 44% 47% 64% 65% 61% 63% 54% 56% 54%
11 to 16 Knots 29% 34% 29% 28% 33% 25% 27% 26% 22% 33% 28% 30%
17 to 22 Knots 9% 19% 16% 20% 15% 9% 6% 10% 12% 11% 12% 12%
22+ Knots 6% 6% 8% 8% 5% 1% 1% 2% 3% 3% 4% 5%
1 Knot = 2 Km/h        

The predominant winds in the Whitsundays are south-east and east. North east winds occur with increasing frequency from September through to January.
There is a 31% chance of having Easterly winds.
There is a 22% and 21% of having North Easterly and South Easterly breezes respectively.
There is a 1% chance of having South Westerlies.
There is a 33% chance of having South Easterlies and a 32% chance of Easterlies.
There is an 11% chance of North Easterlies.
There is a 1% chance of having South Westerlies.
There is a 37% chance of having South Easterlies and a 35% chance of Easterlies.
There is an 13% chance of North Easterlies.
There is a 1% chance of South Westerlies.
There is a 46% chance of having South Easterlies and a 30% chance of Easterlies.
There is a 7% chance of Southerlies.
There is a 1% chance of Northerlies.
There is a 46% chance of having South Easterlies and a 24% chance of Easterlies.
There is an 18% chance of Southerlies.
There is a 1% chance of South Westerlies and North Westerlies.
There is a 41% chance of having South Easterlies and a 25% chance of Southerlies.
There is an 14% chance of Easterlies.
There is a 1% chance of Northerlies.
There is a 40% chance of having South Easterlies and a 23% chance of Easterlies.
There is an 16% chance of Southerlies.
There is a 1% chance of Northerlies.
There is a 35% chance of having South Easterlies and a 26% chance of Easterlies.
There is an 13% chance of North Easterlies.
There is a 1% chance of South Westerlies.
There is a 33% chance of having Easterlies and a 25% chance of South Easterlies.
There is an 19% chance of North Easterlies.
There is a 2% chance of Southerlies and South Westerlies.
There is a 32% chance of having Easterlies and a 21% chance of South Easterlies.
There is an 20% chance of North Easterlies.
There is a 2% chance of Southerlies.
There is a 27% chance of having Easterlies and a 22% chance of North Easterlies.
There is an 18% chance of North Westerlies.
There is a 1% chance of Southerlies.
There is a 29% chance of having Easterlies and a 21% chance of North Easterlies.
There is an 17% chance of South Easterlies.
There is a 1% chance of Southerlies.

asterixCumberland conduct Radio Schedules twice daily to keep you up to date with the weather forecast.
asterixWe have anchorages available which will protect you from any wind direction.

 Related Links

hand pointing right  Forecast   (Bowen to St Lawrence forecast)

hand pointing right  Satellite Picture

hand pointing right  Synoptic Chart